One of the most exciting aspects is learning the language when traveling. You often hear it suggested that the whole world will eventually be speaking English - God forbid! Even still, a number of years ago countries began to take steps to avoid that and began taking great pride in their individualized language. English may be the "language of science" but in every day life, it will remain their native tongues.
I started Italian in Adult education a couple of years ago with Roberto Paucchi. It was a blast and for some reason my accent tickled him, but because I love languages I worked extra hard. When it came time to get enough folks for Italian II class, there weren't enough. So I insisted that he give me private lessons. He objected as he was "not a real teacher". I told him "I am a teacher, you're Italian - that's all we need!" Even after refussing to take money for the private lessons, I would pay him in lasgna and baked zitti. I have been studying and alot of it is coming back.
It's amazing how instantly folk in foreign countries accept you and even enjoy your company when you make the tiniest effort to speak their langage. Numbers, directions, greetings and polite words, situational vocabulary is all you really need and there are sao many good introductary courses nowadays. Try it - you'll like it AND don't be shy!